Bee Soap

Bee Soap

This lovely soap is actually in two layers to give a lovely two tone effect to your resulting bars.

This soap is created in 2 parts, the top of which is poured first and the base which is poured after.
Please be advised that the use of honey will heat your soap considerably as it saponifies, so treat accordingly. You may wish to enlist the services of a fan or refrigerator if your soap is at risk of overheating.

This recipe is big enough to do 12 cavities in bee and honey comb moulds. The oatmeal top works well in the bee skeps if you wish to use this recipe alone.


Bee Top (pour first)

  • Coconut oil 223g (44%)
  • Olive 150g (30%)
  • Palm 100g (20%)
  • Rice bran oil 27g (6%)
  • Water 170g
  • Lye 76gm (allowing for a 6% superfat)


  • Milk powder 10g  - add to oils and mix before adding lye water
  • Honey 5g
  • Oats (ground) 5g
  • Special edition vanilla 5g (sweetcakes fragrance)

Mix honey, oats and fragrance in a small cup and add  at a light trace to get an even mix. Pour at medium trace to sufficiently suspend the ground oats particles.

Bee Base

  • Castor oil 25g 4%
  • Coconut 190g 35%
  • Shea butter 30g 6%
  • Olive oil 110g 20%
  • Palm oil 190g 35%
  • Frozen buttermilk cubes 200gm
  • 80gm lye (allowing for 5% superfat)


  • White clay 5g
  • No fragrance is added to the base.

Add clay at trace and mix well. Pour base over top section of soap and allow to set up for 24 hours before attempting to unmould. Placing in the freezer for an hour before unmoulding may prove very beneficial.

Many thanks to nicole churchward for supplying this recipe.

Please test all recipes to ensure they meet your requirements.  No guarantee is offered for the performance of any recipe offered.

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