Spiced Vanilla Cookie Sugar Scrub

Vanilla Sugar Scrub

Sugar scrubs are so deliciously easy.  Have fun with this one.



  1. Gently combine all ingredients being careful not to stir too vigorously as this will create excess bubbles in your mix.
  2. Package in jars and seal tightly
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Hi Menke,
It is gorgeous isnt it. So glad you could tweak it to what you were looking for. Sounds like you are on a winner there!

Kerry Pearson

I made this scrub. I made it with Raw sugar, soybean oil and the rest of ingredients the same a recipe. I increased the sugar content as it was a bit runny…..but OMG! It is by far my favourite product I’ve made. Love it so much x


Hi Menke,
You should get a years shelf life out of this scrub.

Kerry Pearson

Hi Kerry

What is the shelf life of this scrub after it has been made up?

Thank you
Kind regards Menke


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