What can I add to my soap and how much should I add?

What can I add to my soap and how much should I add?

There are many items that can be added to soaps that can come straight out of the pantry, or left over from another creative endeavour.  Working with dry ingredients is the safest option for cold  process soap.  If you wish to add items to melt and pour bases be extra careful as many additives are not suited to this medium.



Additive   Why Cold Process  Melt and Pour
Activated Charcoal Colour and cleanser 1-2 tablespoons per kilo of oils 1-2 tablespoons per kilo
Beeswax Hardness 1-2% weight of oils Not recommended
Calendula Flowers Exfoliation and visual appeal 2 teaspoons per kilo oil oils Not recommended
Citric Acid Soap Scum reduction 1-3% weight of oils.  Lye adjustment required Not recommended
Clay Colour, exfoliant, cleanser 2-4 teaspoons per kilo of oils 2-4 teaspoons per kilo of soap
Cocoa Powder Colour 1-2 teaspoons per kilo of oils 1-2 teaspoons per kilo of soap
Coffee  Grounds Colour and exfoliant Add 2-5 teaspoons per kilo of oils to oils before lye Not recommended
Corn Meal Exfoliant 2 teaspoons per kilo of oils added to oils before lye Not recommended

Dried calendula, lavender or rose petals

Visual appeal and exfoliant 2 teaspoons per kilo of oils.  Lavender and rose will turn brown Not recommended
Honey Added lather and a little scent 1 tablespoon per kilo of oils 1 teaspoon per kilo of base
Milk Powder (any) Creamy feel 2 tablespoons per kilo of oils  Not recommended
Oatmeal A soothing, gentle exfoliator 2 tablespoons (preferably ground) per kilo of oils Not recommended
Poppy Seeds Mid range exfoliation and visual appeal. 2 teaspoons per kilo of oils Not recommended
Salt Adds hardness 1 teaspoon per kilo of oils Not recommended
Sodium Citrate Reduces Soap Scum 2-4% weight of oils Not recommended
Sodium Lactate Hardness and ease of unmoulding 10-30gm per kilo of oils Not recommended
Sugar Increased lather 1 teaspoon per kilo of oils Not recommended
Tussah Silk Silkiness Dissolve a pinch in lye per kilo of oils Not recommended
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Hi Maryann,
Under certain conditions dried product in melt and pour soaps can absorb moisture from the soap or atmosphere and cause moulding and bacterial growth.


I have used poppy seeds, ground oatmeal, dried calendula, and coffee ground in various Melt and Pour bases but haven’t had any problem with any of these. Can you please tell me why you are saying that these additives are not recommended for M and P soap bases?


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